Troop #277

Making Music Try-It Badge

2008 Year
Past Activities
Postcard Exchange

Music is the art of making sounds. Different people find different sounds pleasing to the ear. Some sounds in nature, like birdcalls, are musical.

#1. Move to the Music
Listen to different kinds of music - fast, slow, lots of instruments or voices, one instrument or voice. Move your body to the beat of it. Twirl around. Jump up in the air. Take long leaps or make small, gentle movements. Make up movements set to music to tell a story.

#2. Singing in Rounds
To sing in rounds, groups start singing a song at different times. Practice singing "Make New Friends" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Your leader, another adult, or an older Girl Scout can teach you these songs. Split into two groups. Group A sings first. When Group A reaches the second line of the song, Group B starts to sing. What other songs can be song in rounds?

#3. Action Songs
Action songs connect words, music, and hand movements. "Bingo" is one and the "Brownie Smile Song" on page 115 of your handbook is another. Teach action songs that you know to a friend. Learn a new one from a friend.

#4. Melody Glasses
Drinking glasses filled with different amounts of water can become a musical instrument.
You Will Need:

  • 8 same size drinking glasses

  • Water

  • Spoon

1. Number the glasses from 1 to 8.
2. Fill each glass with the different amounts of water.
3. Test each glass for the higher/lower notes.
4. Try to pick out the song "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" with your glasses. If a note doesn't sound quite right add or take away a little of the water. Tap fast or slow in different places to follow the rhythm.

5. Music Around the World
Sing the "Brownie Friend-Maker Song" set to a tune from Israel. Do you know other songs from different countries?
Teach them to others.

Troop Leader: Rebecca     446-7404
Girl Scouts of Utah website:
Girl Scouts of USA website: