Troop #277

Science in Action Try-It Badge

2008 Year
Past Activities
Postcard Exchange

These activities will help you understand more about science in your life.

#1. Science and Technology Hunt
Technology is a way of using science to create tools that make life easier for people. Go on a science and technology hunt! Each of the things on the following list is an example of science or technology at work. How many of them can you find?

¨       Something made of plastic

¨       Something made from trees

¨       Something that moves in a circle

¨       Something that comes from the earth

¨       Something that uses a switch

¨       Something made of metal

¨       Something that uses electricity

¨       Something that uses wheels

¨       Something that measures

¨       Something that makes or uses sound

¨       Something from the ocean or a lake

¨       Something run by a computer

#2. Weird Glop
Almost everything in the world is a solid, liquid or gas. Things can change from solid to liquid to gas. It changes to a solid when it freezes. When it boils and you see steam, it has become a gas.
Weird glop isn't really a solid or a liquid. Do not eat it!
In order to make weird glop, you will need:

¨       1/2 cup cornstarch

¨       1/4 cup water

¨       spoon

¨       measuring cup

¨       bowl

¨       food coloring

1. Pour the water into the bowl.
2. Add the cornstarch a little at a time while stirring.
3. Keep mixing until all your glop looks and feels the same.

How is weird glop different than water? How is it different from starch? Store the glop in a plastic bag. What can you do with it? Try adding food coloring to make blue, green or red glop.


#3. Balloon Blowing
Try to blow up a balloon without using your own breath. This will take several people working together.
You will need:

¨       1/4 cup vinegar

¨       A small plastic bottle (with a neck over which you can place the mouth of the balloon)

¨       2 tablespoons of baking soda

¨       A small balloon

1. Pour the vinegar into the plastic bottle.
2. Stretch open the balloon mouth and carefully pour the baking soda into the balloon.
3. Place the balloon mouth over the bottle. Make sure the balloon mouth is tightly around the neck of the soda bottle.
4. Hold the balloon to the side so that the baking soda does not fall into the bottle.
5. Shake the balloon so that the baking soda falls down into the bottle.

What happened? Can you figure out why?

#4. A Butterfly of Many Colors
The ink in a black felt-tip pen is made from chemicals of different colors. Mixed together, these colors look black. How can you see the different colors?
You will need:

¨       A black, water-soluble, felt tip pen

¨       A coffee filter

¨       Scissors

¨       1 cup of water

1. Fold your filter in half and cut out a butterfly shape.
2. Using your felt tip pen, run a heavy black line down the center of the fold (open your filter so the whole body of the "butterfly" shows and draw down the center of it's body).
3. Dip the filter into the cup of water.

Watch closely, but don't touch the filter. What happens?

Troop Leader: Rebecca     446-7404
Girl Scouts of Utah website:
Girl Scouts of USA website: