#1. Animal Sewing Card
12-11-07 Breann B. The
girls "sewed" around the outside of a craft foam stocking
You will need:
- Large magazine pictures
- Colored yarn
- Glue stick
- Cardboard
- Hole puncher
- Tape
1. Cut out a large picture of an animal. 2. Glue or tape this picture onto a piece of cardboard. 3. With an adult's
help, punch holes outlining the animal. If you want, add more holes for its eyes, paws, whiskers, etc. 4. Tape one end
of the yarn to the back of the card. Wrap the other end of the yarn with tape, making a "needle" for easier threading. 5.
Thread the yarn through the holes, outlining the animal. 6. Using more yarn, connect the holes to "color in" the animal.
Add another color yarn for its eyes, whiskers, etc.
#2. Button Collage You will need:
- A piece of fabric
- Pencil or chalk
- Needle
- Scissors
- Thread
- Buttons of different types, colors, sizes, and shapes.
1. Place the fabric on a table. 2. Arrange the buttons on the fabric until you are happy with
the design they make. 3. Carefully mark where each button belongs on the fabric. Remove the buttons and place them next
to the fabric. 4. Sew on the buttons.
#3. A Real Page Turner Originally, books were sewn together using thread.
You can use your sewing skills to make your own book. You will need:
- 3 pieces of paper all the same size
- Hole puncher
- A piece of lightweight cardboard
- Needle
- Thick thread or yarn
- Fabric or contact paper
- Tape or glue stick
1. Fold the pieces of paper in half. 2. Fold the cardboard in half. Place the paper between the two halves of cardboard. 3.
Thread the needle. 4. Punch holes through the paper and cardboard near the folded edge. 5. Carefully poke the needle
through the back of the cardboard, then through the pages, two or three at a time. Once you've made it through all the pages
and the front of the cardboard, turn your needle and stick it back through, just a little farther down the page. Keep doing
this until you have stitched the entire book together. 6. If you want, cover the cardboard with contact paper or fabric,
attaching it with glue or tape. 7. Use your book as a diary, a journal, or a sketchbook.
#5. Sew What?
2-5-08 Breann B. The girls used a sewing maching to make
rice bags for Cancer Center. Use your sewing skills to make something
useful. You can use this beanbag for lots of different games. You will need:
- Two 4'' x 4'' pieces of fabric
- Needle and thread
- 1 cup of beans, sand, or flour
- Scissors
- Pins
1. Pin the two pieces of fabric so that the outsides of the fabric are together - it should look like it's inside out. 2.
Stitch the two pieces together on three sides. Make sure that your stitches are close together or the bag will leak. 3.
Continue to stitch the forth side, but stop when you've got one inch left unstitched. 4. Carefully turn the bag right side
out. It may look a little squashed. Use your scissors to push out the corners of your squares. 5.Fill the bag with beans,
or sand, or flour. Don't fill it too much, or you won't be able to stitch it closed! 6. Stitch the bag closed.
#6. Patch It All Together Make a patchwork quilt with your family or
Girl Scout Troop or group. You will need:
- 4 squares of 4''x 4'' fabric
- Needle and thread
- Pins
1. Place the four pieces of fabric so they make one big square. 2. Turn them over so that the "wrong side" of the fabric
is showing. 3. Pin two of the squares of fabric together, with the front, or "right side" together. 4. Stitch them together. 5.
Repeat these steps with the other two squares. 6. Now pin and stitch the two bigger pieces together. 7. Turn the fabric
over so the "right side" is showing.
This is how patchwork quilts are made. You can attach your four squares to the ones other girls are making. Once everyone's
four squares are put together, you'll have the front of the quilt. To make the quilt usable, you'll have to put a backing
on it. That means you need to sew it to a solid piece of fabric.
# (Leader's Choice) sent home on 4-8-08